
Showing posts from April, 2022

Diorama for collectible action figures - City Ruins.

 There are action figures. There are collectors of these action figures. And there are dioramas for action figure collectors. Of course, the figures themselves are self-sufficient, but dioramas are not always. A diorama for a figure that is exhibited without a figure does not create a complete image of the event for me. Something must happen, or has already happened, but with whom or why is not clear. It causes me a little tension. The stage is ready, but there are no actors. If I look at a lonely figure, then everything is simple - there is a figure and it's cool. I am overwhelmed with pleasant associations, memories associated with the character, his storyline and, of course, the figurine itself. The child in me rejoices. There is a action figure and its canonical plot. But the history of the character has already been completed and is limited by its plot, which gradually makes the figure boring - I have seen it a many times, examined it, exhibited different poses, changed access